This is about ten minutes after all of us crossed the finish line!! I know its not the most flattering picture... but I just don't care, I'm so proud of all of us! From left, Me, Sparkles, Momma, and Jimmy. Yea, they are all nicknames, but you get the idea of who I will be talking about. I received the 3rd place medal in my run for my age group and Sparkles got 4th place. Momma received the 2nd place medal for her age group as well. My time was 37 minutes, Sparkles was 38, Mommas wasn't far behind, and Jimmy was in the walking group.
Not only did we all finished but we all exceedded our goals and expectations, as a matter of fact we have already found another race in July. Do you see what having a goal and reaching it can do for you? I not only have surpassed all my resolutions, but I have made more and plan on flying right above those as well. I have lost 3 more pounds putting me at 127 pounds and I'm loving every minute of it. Its a lifelong battle that I am willing to win.
Next up for me is incorporating P90X back into my routine and staying on track with my healthy new choices. Wish me luck! Not that luck will have anything to do with it, because I ROCK!
Have you tried Agave Nectar for a sweetner?
Are you resting up from your big run ;)
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