These are the mother's day flowers my brother and his wife gave me, they were drooping and about to die this morning and I managed to bring them back to life. I am no failure.
However, when it comes to cutting out gluten, MSG, and high fructose corn syrup, it seems to be that I failed today. The GLUTEN, believe it or not, was the easy part. I ate Yo plait Yo plus yogurt, which is free of gluten and high fructose corn syrup, and a banana for breakfast with skim milk; at lunch I had grilled chicken, brown rice, and green beans; dinner was Progresso Vegetable Lintel Soup, which was gluten free, free of MSG, and free of all preservatives and additives. Once I got used to the texture it was edible, but my oldest Gage quoted "Ewwww its soup with poop in it!" For snacks I tried the Enjoy Life soft baked chewy chocolate chip cookies, these were not very good last night when I tried them, but today I found myself enjoying each and every bite. Ill keep eating these. I also had peanut butter, natural, which is naturally gluten free, YUM. Then lastly today I tried Kettle cooked Jalapeno potato chips. These were AMAZING, but you see they are where I failed. There is MSG in these chips!! I will probably wake up with a headache, but they tricked me by saying it was maltodextrin, which folks, is basically the same thing, and for people who are sensitive, this won't work.
So I didn't fail too badly, even when my little boys were begging for oatmeal cream pies and soda, I kept my footing. They are in bed before midnight, which in a Rockstars house is a record time! They will thank me for feeding them as healthily as I can one day when they live to be 100! Lets hope! Tomorrow I am going to try the gluten free Cinnamon Chex cereal, I'm so excited that I'm heading to bed now. Oh and in case you were wondering, I ran two miles today before it started to pour. So here is to tomorrow!
I just found out that although they are advertised as being gluten free, Kettle cooked potato chips do contain GLUTEN. Maltodextrin contains gluten as well as MSG. According to my research, however, if anyone can shed some light, I would greatly appreciate it!
I was thinking that they would contain gluten since malt is gluten and malt is the first part of the word....sneaky marketers!
Oh, by the way you are not a failure! It's a learning are taking on a lot at once.
Hey Thanks CJ... good to know that someone is paying attention to me!!
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