Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Don't Give Up!

      Today I wanted to quit, but the thought of this little one being sick, or unhealthy because of what I was feeding him was too much to bare, especially after reading this article: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Complementary-Medicine/MSG-and-its-other-names-and-affects-on-the-body/show/930124 
This is why I am so scared of MSG and other additives.
The fact that the FDA will actually go to lengths to cover this up is why we have to be aware.  My pantry was full of high fructose corn syrup and MSG!  So bad for you!

      So I kept it up, even though this cake wasn't gluten-free... because his birthday was a few weeks ago, Ill make sure that the next one is at least free of preservatives and additives by making it at home.  Obviously I won't be completely cutting out gluten when It comes to birthdays, but when we eat everyday I can surely keep it as low as possible by eating whole foods.  Today we tried gluten free rice pasta... sooo good!
      On a lighter note, do you all remember Denise Austin??  I broke out the ole Aerobics videos... had to dust them off, but man nobody can boogy like Denise Austin!  My heart rate was up to 180 and I was sweating buckets after just 30 minutes.  LOVE IT, try it... so much easier than going to the gym and you can get it done while the kids are watching their favorite show!
    Another tip:  I get dinner all ready to throw on the oven... packages open, water in a pot to boil pasta, veggies ready to steam or roast, then I pop in the tape and do thirty minutes of cardio, or sixty if its p90x, when I'm done I'm revved up to get dinner on the table.  Works like a charm!

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