Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hectic Day.... How do I do It?

       Meet Gage.  Gage is hyperactive.  I have my hands full today with Gage.  I also have a rockstar husband who works today from noon to 8:30pm.  I have a dinner party to prepare for and I don't have a vehicle today.  I also have to get in my exercise somehow without leaving the house.  How do I prepare for a 5k inside the house you ask?  Ever heard of Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds?  Well, she has a 3 mile and a 4 mile routine that I do on the days I cannot go outside and since I don't own a treadmill, I jog in place instead of walk, along to her routine.  It works!
      Now, meet Raine.  Raine is Gage's younger brother, and they like to play all day and not take naps when they are together.  How am I going to manage getting the dinner ready you ask?  Well, its a wonderful invention called a Crock Pot.  No one can beat a roast, red potatoes, baby carrots and an onion, all stuffed into a crock pot.  It took me literally ten minutes this morning before rockstar headed off to work.  All I have to do now is put some music on for the boys to boogie down to.... pop in my 4 mile Leslie Sansone walk.... clean the bathroom while I'm giving them a bath.... and later when they are tuckered enough to watch a movie... I slip in the movie UP and get cleaned up, and WALLAH, dinner party is done!  I'm good!  Now see how excited our guests are!  Stay tuned Monday... my new Gluten-free diet plan!                                                                                                                                                                          

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