Saturday, May 22, 2010

Quinoa Cinnamon Rolls... FAIL

     Boy... those look yummy huh?  NO... they are not, they were like eating rubber with sugar water.  However, the boys love them and ate two.  Obviously I have a very sophisticated palate, and I just couldn't get past the cement like dough.  I made these little gems with Quinoa (pronounced keee-nwa)  flour, my husband doesn't know this because he wouldn't have tried them, but he actually liked them to.  You see I wanted to make a sweet breakfast treat for my little ones that were of course gluten-free and all natural.  Perhaps I need a new hobby?  I should have known when the ingredient list was only 4 ingredients, my baking has seen better days!
     It has been raining in Indiana everyday this week.  Running in the rain on Monday wasn't so bad, but I think Ill pass doing it twice in one week.  I also ran on Wednesday, you know 3.4 miles because I am awesome!  I would say that I'm not slacking, but I could have ran yesterday and did not.  So I definitely may have failed in the 5k training department this week, but man o man do I love supplementing with my re-found love for Denise Austin's Aerobic tapes... Next week I will run all three days MWF and do 3 miles each day... or more?  Who knows?  Hope you are all doing well with your endeavors!


CJ said...

Me, not so good. I need to get serious with exercise and eating less/ see I love junk-food. Yesterday I suffered with a migraine (weather, food, stress, maybe all of the above.) I also had to see the chiropractor for my neck & L5. My age is starting to show!

I feel very lazy after reading your blog...and yet inspired at the same time. You Rock!

You have a BIG challenge with having children who suffer from a diet that contains gluten. Have you read House Rules, by Jodi Picoult...I noticed you are a fan of hers.

I noticed that Rice Chex & Corn Chex now have gluten-free on their boxes. The grocery stores need to stock more Blue Diamond Nut Thins on their shelves...Everybody and their brother must be buying them. The plain almond ones are always gone when I want them *pout*.

You are going to love the granola;} I need to go make some more...

CJ said...

Have you been to the gluten free club? I get the recipe e-mails. You can join for a fee and recieve a lot more.

Unknown said...

I tried the cinnamon chex... OOOOoo So good! Taste just like cinnamon toast crunch. My kids love them. I have read Handle with Care and My sisters Keeper... Ill have to check that one out. I am going grocery shopping tommorrow and hope to get all the ingredients for the granola. My children don't have celiac disease, but it was recommended to try gluten free for behaviour and bowel problems. My oldest has had the diarhea... hahah, since he was born, since I took out wheat he has had normal stool, and his behaviour is improving. Im doing the diet as well because its my duty as a mother to suffer right along HAHA! I am so sensitive and food was actually the culprit of my stiff necks, caffiene and sugar. Had to change. So nice to have someone on here to chat with. Thank you! I am a chatty Kathy!